3 Denmark - A Zuuvi Success Story


Introduction to 3 Denmark

3 is one of the world's biggest telecommunication brands and they have over 1,5 million customers in Denmark. 3 Denmark wants to be the preferred telco company for families and travelling Danes. 3 are competing in a high-intense and price-sensitive market where brand awareness is key to expanding market share.

Zuuvi works with the Danish marketing team from 3 and Lars Christensen, Graphic Design Manager at 3 Denmark, is a super-user within Zuuvi.



For 3, display advertisement is a vital media channel to utilise when running brand campaigns and Always-on tactical messaging.

3 were previously locked to specific formats and did not have the ability to create video banners, thus, ‘the 3-dog’ campaigns could not flourish through display advertisement.

Create Video Banner Ads with Zuuvi


3 Denmark produces a lot of content and always has many active campaigns running, so it was important for Lars and 3 to have a platform with creative freedom and a platform that could make their daily production process faster.

“From being in the creative process to actually releasing them (ed. ads) and setting them up in campaigns, it’s pretty easy.” - Lars Christensen, Graphic Design Manager.


Solution & Result

3 Denmark now has the creative freedom to create digital ads in any format needed - including implementing video in their ads.

Since starting to use Zuuvi, 3 Denmark has saved a lot of time creating digital ads with a more automated flow of production, where different brand managers and project managers easily can make changes to the templates that Lars and the creative team create.

On top, 3 has also chosen Zuuvi’s DCO solution to create dynamic ads for the many (many) products which have optimised their production process significantly.


Watch the case film here:


"We have learned how easy it is to create DCO banners and that process is

rethinking things within our company

Lars Christensen, Graphic Design Manager


See all 3 Denmark's ad examples here
