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3rd Party Tags in Google Ads: Unleash Creative Freedom

Written by Jacob Wolf Frandsen | 24.6.2024


Have you ever experienced the annoying restriction of max. 150 kb for your Google Ads display ads? And not being able to add video to the creative? Or even making the ad dynamic via DCO?

Well, that's not a problem with 3rd Party Ad Tags! Bring back creativity to your Google Ads banners and let's make the internet beautiful again. 🎨

In this article, you can read more about what 3rd Party Ad Tags are - and how you upload them to your Google Ads account.

Quick Guide

What is 3rd Party Tags for Google Ads?

Third-party tags for Google Ads are snippets of code provided by external platforms that enable you to track, analyse, and optimise your ad performance more effectively. These tags collect data on user interactions, which helps advertisers gain deeper insights into how their ads are performing across different placements and devices.

By embedding these tags into your Google Ads, you can integrate advanced features and functionalities from third-party tools, such as analytics, retargeting, and creative management platforms, enhancing your overall campaign strategy.


Why Should You Use 3rd Party Tags?

Using third-party tags for Google Ads opens up a world of creative freedom and technical advantages:

- Video Integration: Incorporate high-quality videos into your ads, making them more engaging and impactful.

- Dynamic Content: Add dynamic elements to your ads, allowing for personalized user experiences.

- Live-Edit your ads: Update and tweak your ads in real-time, ensuring your campaigns are always fresh and relevant.

- Larger File Sizes: Work with creatives up to 2.2MB, far exceeding the standard 150KB limit, allowing for high-quality visuals and interactive elements.

- Improved Retargeting: Serve personalized ads based on detailed user behaviour data collected through third-party tags.
This flexibility empowers advertisers to push the boundaries of creativity and deliver more compelling ad experiences to their audience.


How to Get Your Ad Tags Approved and Live in Your Google Ads campaign

Integrating third-party tags into your Google Ads campaign is a breeze when you follow these steps. Here’s how to get your campaign up and running smoothly:

Step 1: Prepare Your Spreadsheet

First, you need to fill out a spreadsheet that will later be uploaded to Google Ads. Here’s what to do:

Start by opening your spreadsheet, and use the template you obtained from Zuuvi

Download the Excel template here.

Once your spreadsheet is open, complete the following columns:

  • CampaignName: Enter the name of your campaign. Ensure it matches your Google Ads account exactly.

  • AdGroupName: Enter the name of the ad group within your campaign. This should also match your Google Ads account.

  • PlacementName: Add the ad size as a name. Each Placement Name must be unique and cannot be duplicated.

  • Save Your Work: Once all the columns are filled, save the spreadsheet as an XLSX file.

Alright, with the basics in place, let's move on.

Step 2: Fill Out the Google Ads Form

Next, you need to complete the Google Ads form. Access the form where you’ll input details about your upcoming campaign.

Fill out this form request on Google.

Next, upload the spreadsheet by attaching the XLSX file you just completed.


Important Considerations

- Initial Load Requirement: Google Ads requires that each creative’s load size be 2.2MB or less.

- Validation: Use Google Ad's validator to check if your creatives meet these requirements.

- Adjusting Creative Size: If your ads exceed 2.2MB, consider using smaller elements or utilise the stop slide option. This allows the viewer to click to continue the ad, potentially increasing the load size to 10MB.

Read the requirements and technical specs for 3rd party tags here.

By following these steps, you’ll ensure your third-party tags are correctly integrated, and your campaign runs without a hitch. Remember, precise details matter, so double-check your entries to match your Google Ads account information exactly.