Mastering copywriting in digital marketing takes some time. But if you use these tips as a checklist each time you write, you’ll be well on your way to creating some first-rate copy in (almost) no time.
- Pick a killer headline
- Sell benefits, not features
- Built trust with your customers
- Make'em laugh
- Avoid generic CTAs
- Align branding and copywriting
- Write like they talk
- Pick different copy for different channels/formats
- Trim the fat
What makes for dynamite digital marketing?
We often think of great visuals, which are absolutely important. But another critical, and often overlooked, component is copywriting.
Now, don’t get us wrong: most marketers include some form of copy in their ads. But the amount of time and effort that goes into crafting copy elements like a headline pales in comparison to the time spent on visuals.
As a digital marketer, underestimating the power of good and bad copywriting is a huge mistake. It’s equally, if not more, important than your visuals. It’s incredibly difficult to master. It requires a deep customer understanding. However, as soon you see some great copy, you’ll recognize (and remember) it.
But what makes for great copywriting? It’s difficult to put your finger on it: there’s something about how it makes you feel, how you relate to the message; or maybe how you can’t help but laugh at the clever wording.
How do copywriting wizards do it?
Here’s a good starting point:
Their copy is 100% focused on their customer’s needs, desires, and problems. They don’t assume what these are, they know them inside-out – and so should you.
If you find yourself writing about your company, your product features, or your interests - just stop. You can put all of that on the “About” page of your website; not in your marketing copy.
Good. What next?
You’re in luck. You don’t need to be Hemingway to produce compelling copy. Here are 9 simple techniques you can use right away to make sure your next ad copy is going to pop:
6. Align your copy with your brand values
Loyal customers love your products. But what keeps them coming back for years to come is that your company values align with theirs. It’s important that your copywriting reflects those values.
Think about it. If someone told you they were ethically against the meat industry, but ate chicken wings each time they had a beer at the pub, you would think they’re hypocritical and start to doubt their motives.
It’s the same thing with copywriting. It throws your customers off if your marketing communication doesn’t match your company values. Customers will start to question if you really stand for what you said, or if it was a cheap marketing trick to manipulate them.
This can be extremely damaging to your brand and destroy the trust you’ve built with customers.
9. Trim the fat
Descriptive writing can be a joy to read when you’re curled up in your favourite chair with a cup of coffee listening to the gentle rainfall on the windows.
But you’re trying to grab a customer’s attention while they scroll at warp speed through a jungle of Instagram models, sports highlights, and trailers for the next binge-worthy Netflix special.
Your digital marketing copywriting strategy must respond accordingly.
A good rule of thumb for marketing copy is that you should be sure to use verbs in the imperative to spur action, but avoid adjectives as much as possible. If a word isn’t necessary, drop it.
How do I tell a story without any adjectives?
In a novel, storytelling depends exclusively on the words the author uses. But in marketing, you have other tools at your disposal – visuals, buttons, colours, and sounds. These can be combined with crisp copy to create a vivid story for the viewer.
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