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Increase your CTR on Black Friday


Black Friday can be a day of high sales but it can also be the day of disappointment. Increase your CTR and make sure not to get missed doing Black Friday with this small guide.

Black friday

On Friday the 29’th of September, Black Friday is all over us. This is your company’s chance to increase sales, but it is hard to get recognized during this bonanza. Every impression is hard-won, why this guide will take you through some of the basics when creating online display banners and hopefully increase the click-through rate (CTR).


Don’t forget your brand

The main thing when creating your online ads for Black Friday is that you do not forget to include your brand. This might seem obvious, but plenty of companies changes their standard guidelines for their communication on ads during Black Friday. Some companies change everything into black and white even though their usual communication is colorful. The CTR on Black Friday is higher than usual, why this is a golden opportunity for your company to increase traffic and conversions on your site. Remember your brand identity and seize this opportunity!


Stand out!

A lot of the display banners you see today are static banners. Try to create interactive banners – Zuuvi allows you to create banners that the consumer can interact with. You can even insert a video into your display banner. Like with anything else within marketing, standing out is important to increase your CTR. If you need any inspiration, you can check out our banner ABC. Here you find a quick guide to instantly improving your banners.

If you need any inspiration for your CTA-button, read this guide!

With Zuuvi you can live-edit your banner, test them and find out what works best for you!


Real-time editing benefits

When using Zuuvi you get the opportunity to do real-time editing, this can be a deal-breaker during the Black Friday advertising bonanza. If your banners are made from a third party, it will be difficult to match competitors. Use the ability to live-edit your banners and change the price as you wish. If a competitor drops their price, be agile and follow!

And what about countdown? A countdown in a splash is a very common and a very effective tool to increase the attention towards your brand on Black Friday. Previously it was an expensive feature because you need a graphic designer to change the number each day. With Zuuvi you can do by yourself! You can simply change it in our banner builder and click “save”, then your banners will change within 30 minutes on every media they are published on.

Note; If you use Google Ads, you simply just have to download your banners with the updates and replace them.


Black friday target group

Remember who your audience is and target your display advertising after the target group. While there might exist a stereotype about women like shopping more than men, actually the numbers tell us different on Black Friday. Men tend to have the highest spend on Black Friday – almost twice as much as women!


And if you want to narrow your scope even more, Generation X is the most likely to spend the highest amount on Black Friday.


Couples also seems most likely to plan to spend a lot on Black Friday. In other words, be aware of where you are in your marketing funnel to gain the most success on Black Friday.

Try different approaches and split test your display banners. This will allow you to increase your conversion on Black Friday.


Excited to begin your journey to level up your performance on advertisements? Sign up for a free trial with Zuuvi and start now!

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