Developers' Diaries - November


Dear diary,

Our Template Library is done! This is particularly beneficial for the smaller marketing teams where there's not always time to design creative sets from scrap. Now you can get started by choosing a pre-made template, and finish by simply filling in your content.

Read more below!

Simon Lindholm Tougaard

 Head of Technology / Zuuvi


Released Features

  • Template Library 🎉

    We have finished up and launched the Zuuvi Template Library!
    This means you can browse through an extensive library of professionally made templates to use as a source of inspiration when creating your own creatives, or pick one to build your ads from when deadlines are piling up.

    So whether you're looking to save valuable time or find inspiration, the Template Library is your sanctuary.


  • Google Studio Integration for Display Automation

    This means that when integrating your Google Studio data with Zuuvi and using it as the DCO source for your ads, you can now dictate which template to use based on the content shown by your data. This ensures that your ads are super accurately targeted, while your creatives are as contextualised as possible.

    In other words: the relevance for your customers becomes as high as possible. 

  • Creative Home Updates

    We're currently updating your Creative Home. While the first updates are live, meant to streamline your navigation, there are still more updates to come soon

Speaking of things to come...



What's in Progress?

Subject to changes as priorities may change.

  • AI Translation

Our main focus for the time to come is implementing AI translation for your text in ad campaigns. However, as we need the translation to meet our quality standards, this is a work in progress!

  • Creative Home Updates

You can expect to see more updates in Creative Home for the time to come.

  • Better integration for DSP's

Expect faster, more streamlined ways to push your creatives shortly.

  • Adform Integration

This is 99% done... ⌛️

This will make it possible to create and use an Adform DCO source. It works like other DCO sources.

  • Create the source and set it up in Zuuvi Studio.

  • Export your Creative Set or Automation from Zuuvi Manager to Adform.

  • Set up in Adform.


The Zuuvi Developer Team


Did You Know? We Have Several
Creative Automation Options in Zuuvi.