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Kvik - Zuuvi Success Story

Written by Jacob Wolf Frandsen | 08.7.2024

Kvik's Main Challenges and Goals


The main challenge was an excessively long time-to-market regarding their ad creatives. 
Kvik's marketing managers are responsible for their own national market, and previously their many graphic designers were located in Denmark.

This meant their marketing managers had to do the following to publish ads in their respective markets;


  1. Send creative brief to the designers in Denmark

  2. Wait for the finished creative to be sent back (normally 3-5 days)

  3. Provide feedback to the designers regarding the creative

  4. Repeat steps number 2 and 3 until the creative fits the manager's needs

  5. Track the campaign


In some cases, this meant an ad could take more than 3 weeks to be published. 

This meant that the ad in production would sometimes miss the time frame where it's the most relevant, as trends and ideas can become outdated very quickly in today's digital marketing landscape.

This was the main challenge Kvik wanted to find a solution to; decreasing their time-to-market by streamlining their process of creating and publishing ads.

Another goal was to increase localisation in their display ads in different markets. Kvik wanted to ensure that their ads were as relevant to the local viewers as possible. They wanted to achieve this by using their own targeting data, requiring a generous amount of automation - this is where an introduction of Dynamic Creative Optimization in Kvik's ad creation setup was necessary.

Using Zuuvi as a "Campaign Hub"

Using Zuuvi as a "Campaign Hub", Kvik has made both Display and Social campaigns. These social ad campaigns have been published across all their social channels but managed from a single point of view in Zuuvi Campaign Manager.

By implementing Zuuvi in their ad creation setup, Kvik's marketing managers were able to push ads much, much quicker than before, ensuring their ads followed trends and were published within a very short period of time.

This is due to the fact that they were able to cut several steps from their previous production process.

With Zuuvi, the marketing managers' production process now looks like this:


  1. The managers order a creative template from designers (or create them themselves, as there's no need for coding expertise)

  2. The managers tailor and swap out the ad content in the template by themselves

  3. Managers publish and track the campaigns through Zuuvi Campaign Manager, making live updates and tweaks if necessary


With Zuuvi, the back-and-forth feedback process was virtually eliminated, significantly decreasing their time-to-market whilst increasing their creativity and ad quality. This reflected positively on Kvik's ad performance - In the period July 2023 to July 2024 Kvik got nearly 390 million impressions on less than 200 display and social creatives, created from just 14 creative templates made in Zuuvi. 

In collaboration with Zuuvi, Kvik's marketing managers experiences increased freedom and agility, as they are much less dependent on the graphic designers.
In turn, this took considerable weight off the shoulders of the designers, who have less repetitive tasks to perform, and more time to increase the quality in their creative work.

A real win-win!

Accurate, Localised Ads

After Kvik began working in the Zuuvi Platform, Kvik has managed to provide all 13 markets with super accurate regionally localised content. Each ad is tailored down to the most relevant dealer closest to the individual audience member.

Kvik are now producing thousands of digital ads targeted to their individual potential customers based on their own targeting data through an automated production process. This automation also brought along the benefits of allowing 2.5 employees to stop manually producing ad creatives, which was a time-consuming process that required coding expertise.

These employees now focus their time on designing display ads, DCO ads, and other creatives that maximises on creativity rather than spending time on tedious advertisement coding.


We're super proud of continuously providing Kvik with solutions that improve their day-to-day work.

Kvik's Digital Graphic Designer, Lars, also had some words about Zuuvi, which I'll leave below.


"In the past, colleagues from different countries have had difficulties adapting to our digital models.
With Zuuvi, the production process has gone down from 15 hours a week to 1."