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Mastering Dynamic Creative Optimization: A Guide to DCO Advertising


Dynamic Creative Optimization is the key to efficient and personalized ad creation.

It allows creating thousands of unique ads in a matter of minutes, while increasing the chances of your customers finding your ads relevant.
Below I'll show you exactly how it's done.

Follow the guide and you'll master DCO in no time - best of luck!

As always, reach out to me through the link in my picture if you have any questions.

Jacob LinkedIn Profile
Jacob Wolf Frandsen

 CRO / Zuuvi


Quick guide:

In the battle for web users attention, ad creators must always be on the front foot - this involves using tools such as dynamic creative optimization. This ad type allows you to fine-tune each ad to your  customers individually by utilizing real-time user data,  maximizing the chances of conversion. In this guide we’ll take you through exactly how DCO advertising will increase your ads’ performance.

What is Dynamic Creative Optimization (DCO)?

DCO is short for  ‘dynamic creative optimisation’, and refers to a type of display ad technology that creates personalized ads based on data about the user currently viewing the ad. DCO banners typically surpass their static counterparts by a significant margin, since DCO banners are more widely tested and capable of optimizing.

When considering the implementation of DCO ads, they are often preferred for the distribution of product advertisements. This type of banner adverts display dynamic content based on the user’s browsing history. This includes products previously displayed or even the ones added to a shopping cart on various sites. 

However, DCO banners serve more than just this purpose, as they can also be utilized for surveys or to collect data for a company's campaign objectives. The targeting variables mostly used in connection with DCO banners are location, behavior, device, demography and context. 

Even though it might sound like a lot of variables are collected from the user, DCO’s collection of user data is still not classified as intrusive because any data source essentially can be linked to a dynamic ad.

How Does Dynamic Creative Optimization Work?

DCO advertising transforms standard advertising into a dynamic interaction between data and design. Here's how it unfolds:

DCO pulls in rich user data, including browsing habits, purchase history, and demographic details. The integration of this data forms the backbone of the targeted creative process.

As the ad is shown, DCO technology uses algorithms to select and assemble the creative elements that best match the viewer's profile from a pre-designed set of components, through real-time adaptation.

The result is a highly customized and personalized ad displayed to the user, crafted at the moment of engagement to maximize relevance and impact.

This seamless integration of data and creativity not only enhances user experience but also bolsters ad performance through precise targeting.

What are the Benefits of Using DCO?

Adopting DCO can dramatically transform your digital campaigns, offering benefits such as:

  • Enhanced Relevance: DCO allows you to create ads that resonate deeply with each individual user by dynamically assembling ad elements based on their preferences, behaviors, and demographics. This heightened relevance naturally leads to higher engagement rates, as users are more likely to interact with content that speaks directly to their interests.

  • Increased Conversion Rates: When your ads are highly relevant to your target audience, you're not just driving engagement – you're also increasing the likelihood of conversion. By delivering personalized messages that address users' specific needs and preferences, DCO can significantly boost conversion rates, translating engagement into tangible results for your business.

  • Boosted ROI: The combined impact of enhanced engagement and increased conversion rates can have a profound effect on your return on investment (ROI). With DCO, your ad spend becomes more efficient and effective, as you're reaching the right audience with the right message at the right time.

Moreover, DCO's ability to adapt in real time reduces the need for extensive A/B testing, allowing for quicker optimization and better resource allocation - which is pretty neat!

How to Set Up a DCO Campaign

Does DCO advertising sound like something you want to test out? Here’s how you can set up a dynamic campaign that captivates and converts:

Start by gathering your data. Structure the data that will be included in your ad variations—this could be anything from weather conditions, user browsing behavior or the users favorite color. (Although, the last one might be stretch)

Then, create your dynamic elements. Design a variety of creative elements that can be dynamically combined based on the data you have gathered for your campaign..

Figure out which platform to choose.One of the reasons why you should choose Zuuvi as your DCO platform is the fact that it will streamline the creation and management of DCO campaigns with intuitive tools that require extremely little tech expertise. It’s super accessible, even to the newest of  ad creators, which normally is one of the main entry barriers - but if you encounter any challenges, we’re always ready to help.

Once you created and tested your dynamic creatives, continuously analyze the performance of different creative combinations and refine your approach based on real-time feedback.

By systematically setting up your DCO campaigns, you ensure that each ad delivered is optimized for the best possible performance.

How to Set Up a DCO Campaign in Zuuvi

1. Produce Ad Creative

Firstly, you create your ad. You choose your animations, place the text and whatever images you want on your ad.



2. Add a ‘Dynamic Source’

There are different ways to add your data sources for your DCO ads. 

Screenshot2 -Marked


Upload file

Firstly, you can upload a .csv file that contains the data that your ads will draw information from.


URL parameters from web page

You can also choose to import your desired data from web URLs. This could be specific product categories or likewise.


Dynamic link - This is the one, we are using in this example

A dynamic link ensures that your feed/products are always up-to-date. So if a product (“row”) is removed, updated or edited it will automatically change on your ad creative.

Here are the typical options to use:

  • Sitemap from your website (.xml, .csv)

  • Published Google Sheets file (.csv

  • Link from Third-party Data Management Software


CPD Retargeting link - 1st party data

If you are using a Customer Data Platform (CDP) and have 1st party data available, you can add this link.


This allows you to hyper-personalize your ads based on user data. Take a few examples:

  • A user has added a product to your basket - but not purchased = Retarget with that specific product

  • A user has purchased new running shoes = Promote socks, shorts, t-shirts

  • A user has purchased new running shoes 365 days ago = Promote new shoes


Just reach out to us, and we’ll help you with the setup here.

P.S. If you are already a Raptor Services customer today, the integration is already set up!


3. Choose which data fields you want to use in your Ad Creative

Next up you need to decide which data inputs you want to be present in your creative.



4. Add the dynamic data fields to your creative

The dynamic data fields you have chosen in the above step need to be added to the creative itself. Looking at the right side of the screenshot below, you’ll see an example of this.


5. Save your Dynamic Ad Creative

After completing your creative, you’re ready to save your file.

6.  Export the ad creatives to your preferred DSP

Next step is exporting your ads to the Demand-Side Platform you prefer. You can do this easily with just a single click in the Zuuvi Platform.

That means that once you have completed these steps, you will have up to several thousands of unique ads (depending on the amount of products you have). And all these have been created in hours rather than weeks. That’s a lot of time saved!


See below for a (very quickly designed) example of a DCO template made in Zuuvi. This potentially results in thousands of ads, made in a matter of minutes.


If you’re looking for more information about Dynamic Creative Optimization in Zuuvi, click here.


We’ve taken a look at how Dynamic Creative Optimization utilizes real-time data to deliver personalized and customized  ads taking the preferences of individuals into account, enhancing both engagement and conversions. From understanding DCO to setting up your first campaign in Zuuvi, this guide prepares you to use DCO effectively in your marketing strategy. By using DCO advertising, you not only streamline your advertising efforts but also significantly boost your campaign results. Let’s get you started for free! 👇


Build Your First DCO Banners Today